Nose Aesthetics

Rhinoplasty and Nose Surgery

The nose is one of the most significant factors affecting facial aesthetics for individuals. An incongruent nose with facial features can be a significant concern and a source of unhappiness for many adults. Therefore, nose surgery operations, also known as rhinoplasty, are preferred. Especially in recent years, advancements in technology have made nose surgery procedures more accessible to adults.

Among aesthetic operations, the most commonly performed surgeries are nose surgery, also known as rhinoplasty. Through these surgeries performed by specialist physicians, individuals can achieve a nose structure that harmonizes with their facial features.

Nose surgeries are personalized procedures for each individual because each person's nose structure and shape are unique. Additionally, the proportion of other facial features and the harmony they create with the nose vary from person to person. Therefore, when it comes to nose aesthetics, all adjustments and shaping are tailored differently for each individual. The most important factor in achieving the desired harmony is the success of the surgeon.

What is Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is a type of surgery performed by expert aesthetic and plastic surgeons. This method allows for corrections to the nose shape for anyone dissatisfied with their nose structure. Rhinoplasty is mostly performed for aesthetic concerns. However, in some cases, deformities in the nose may occur due to accidents or traumatic injuries, leading to a need for rhinoplasty.

Whether the nasal deformities are congenital or acquired later does not affect the rhinoplasty process. The main aim here is for individuals to opt for this method to have a more beautiful nose and consequently a more beautiful face.

How is Rhinoplasty Performed?

The nose is structurally composed of bone, cartilage, and skin. While the bony structure is located in the upper part, cartilage structure is found in the lower part. Moreover, all these structures are covered with skin. Therefore, during nose aesthetic surgeries, all three parts can be subject to change depending on the deformity.

During the planning of nose surgeries, other features of individuals' faces and what they want to change are taken into account. Specialist physicians initiate the process for the most appropriate surgery according to the patients' requests and their nasal structures.

Rhinoplasty surgeries are performed under general anesthesia. The operation duration varies from person to person and is determined based on the nasal deformity, generally ranging from 1 to 3 hours.

How is Rhinoplasty Performed with the Piezo Technique?

Piezo rhinoplasty aims to shape the problematic nasal bones without fracturing them using ultrasonic vibrations during nose surgery. With the Piezo rhinoplasty technique, soft tissues, nerves, and blood vessels inside the nose are reshaped without causing any harm, facilitating the restructuring of the nose. Compared to traditional nose aesthetic surgeries, this technique minimizes post-operative bruising and swelling almost to the minimum. The risk of errors in nose aesthetic surgeries performed with this method is much lower. Moreover, while minimal incisions can be made with this device, any potential mucosal damage can be controlled. Another fundamental feature of this device is that it provides the surgeon with more precise and faster operation. It offers easy adjustment throughout the operation with a multifunctional foot pedal and touch screen. This technique provides flexibility to the surgeon during the operation and ensures a less damaged, faster, and easier healing process for the patient. This operation can be performed in two ways: open and closed techniques. Generally, open techniques are preferred. Typically, this operation is performed under general anesthesia for patient comfort. The operation can last approximately 2-3 hours.

Who Can Have Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty operations, which are widely performed, can be performed for anyone dissatisfied with their nose shape. Individuals with a nose shape that is worse and less aesthetic than desired, either from birth or as a result of an accident, can undergo rhinoplasty. The primary requirement for patients is to be over 18 years old. Because facial areas have not yet fully developed under the age of 18, it is recommended to wait for this period, and patients should be at least 18 years old. Another condition after reaching the age criterion is that individuals must be in good overall health to receive general anesthesia. Some routine tests are performed before each surgery, and if there is no problem detected in these tests, patients can undergo nose surgery.

Preparations Before Rhinoplasty

If you have decided to have nose surgery, there are some details you need to know both during the doctor selection process and before the operation. Primarily, choosing the right surgeon is the most crucial point for you because the success of the operation depends on the surgeon's experience and success, along with the use of technology. Starting the process with the best aesthetic surgeons to achieve the desired nose structure and the desired result is recommended. 

Dr. Necmettin Tütüncü is one of the first names that come to mind when it comes to nose surgery. He is known as a trusted surgeon in this field due to the successful surgeries he has performed so far. You can find answers to all your questions by conducting a pre-examination with him. Because the communication between a patient and a surgeon is another critical factor affecting the success of the operation. When the interaction between the patient and the surgeon is strong, the patient can fully convey their requests, and the surgeon informs the patient transparently about the level of achievement and expectations. 

After choosing the surgeon, you need to start preparations before the operation. As with every surgery, you need to stop using blood thinners before nose surgery. Since you will receive general anesthesia, you should not eat or drink anything for at least 8 hours before the operation. Moreover, you are expected to follow all the practices your doctor has specified. 

Postoperative Care After Rhinoplasty

Since nose aesthetic surgeries are performed under general anesthesia, you will have a hospital stay for one night after the operation. During your stay at the hospital, painkillers will be given through an IV, so you will not experience intense pain. After leaving the hospital, you can go through this period with minimal pain by using the prescribed painkillers as recommended by your doctor.

After nose aesthetic surgeries, swelling and bruising may occur around the eyes for the first few days. These occur depending on the size of the deformation. However, they disappear spontaneously. Silicone tampons are used in nose surgeries. Although silicone tampons vary from patient to patient, they are removed within 3-7 days. It is recommended to rest in a semi-reclined position during this period. At the same time, it is advised to adhere strictly to hygiene rules.

The process will be easier after the tampons are removed. Even during this period, you should take maximum precautions against hygiene rules and the risk of impact. 

In addition to all these, the use of glasses is an important detail. Glasses and sunglasses should not be used for at least 3 months due to the pressure they will put on the nose. Planning your diet to avoid constipation is also one of the important details for you.

Return to Work After Rhinoplasty

The rest period required for nose aesthetic surgeries is one week. One week after leaving the hospital, your first check-up will be performed, and the tampons will be removed. You should spend this time at home. However, after the tampons are removed, starting from the second week, you can return to work safely with protection. However, in any case, you should protect your nose from extreme heat, extreme cold, and impacts.

Exercise After Rhinoplasty

With rhinoplasty, you may experience some respiratory problems for a while. At the same time, you need to protect your nose from all kinds of impacts for a long time. Therefore, rhinoplasty will be quite challenging for those involved in heavy sports activities. Activities that increase pressure should be avoided for a period after the operation.

You can start walking at a light pace 4-5 days after nose surgery. You can return to activities like swimming and gymnastics after one month. However, for heavy sports activities such as fitness or overhead exercises, it is recommended to wait at least 4 months. Activities that increase pressure should be avoided in the first quarter after the operation.

Risks of Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty is one of the most commonly performed aesthetic surgeries. Different risks are encountered very rarely, apart from the risks encountered in every surgery. In summary, some of the general and specific risks foreseen for rhinoplasty surgery are as follows:

Risk of infection,
Risk of excessive bleeding,
Allergic risks to anesthesia,
Allergic risks to medications,
Risk of hematoma,
Risk of persistent swelling,
Risk of weakening and loss of olfactory functions,
Failure to achieve satisfactory results,
Risk of asymmetry in nose shape.

The incidence rate of all these risks is very low. In addition to the risks encountered in every surgery, the risks associated with rhinoplasty depend on the success of your doctor. A successful rhinoplasty expert achieves high success rates in all surgeries. And the occurrence rate of these risks in these operations is almost negligible.

Is Rhinoplasty a Difficult Surgery?

Rhinoplasty surgeries performed under general anesthesia are challenging surgeries. However, compared to previous eras, these procedures have become easier. These practices require a significant level of surgical experience. Therefore, your surgeon selection will be a factor that facilitates the process. At the same time, your choices of clinic or hospital and the level of technology used in surgeries can also facilitate the process.

Rhinoplasty Prices

Rhinoplasty prices may vary depending on the operation to be performed. Some surgeries may be completed in a short time, such as 1-2 hours, as a minimal correction procedure, and thus, the operation will be short. However, some surgeries may be more prolonged and challenging due to severe deformities. These details affect rhinoplasty prices. Moreover, the fact that the clinic or hospital where the operation will be performed is equipped and high-tech affects the prices. Therefore, contacting your doctor and obtaining the most accurate price information after the pre-examination will be the healthiest method.

Doctor Selection for Rhinoplasty

One of the most important factors for a successful outcome in nose surgery operations is the doctors you choose. The success of the operation is directly proportional to the doctor's success and experience. Therefore, regardless of the size of your nose deformity, choosing doctors who have performed many different surgeries in this field and achieved high success rates is the right step. However, as stated in the literature, there is a possibility of secondary nose surgery, and this situation should not be overlooked.

Clarity and transparency of the doctor in rhinoplasty are essential requirements. Because patients who have big dreams before the operation may experience disappointment in the shaping that occurs outside their expectations, even if the result is successful. The most important reason for this is that the doctor does not show the necessary transparency during the pre-examination process and does not clearly share the outcome with the patient. However, regardless of the patient's expectations, all achievable details after the operation should be clearly communicated to the patient. In this way, the risk of disappointment for patients will be eliminated.

Dr. Necmettin Tütüncü is one of the most successful surgeons in nose surgery. The successes he has achieved in hundreds of different operations in this field are his most important references. With a pre-examination to be performed, Dr. Necmettin Tütüncü, who will clearly convey to you the possible results, can help you achieve the desired nose structure.

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