Breast Aesthetics

Breast Aesthetics

In some women, the structure of the breasts can be naturally too small or too large. Additionally, breast tissue can easily deform due to breastfeeding, childbirth, developmental disorders, and aging, leading to shape irregularities. These conditions pose a significant aesthetic concern for women. Dissatisfaction with breast appearance can lead to self-confidence issues and psychological problems. Breast structure abnormalities can not only create significant aesthetic problems but can also lead to significant health issues when breasts are excessively large.

The most effective method for addressing breasts that cause discomfort for adults either for health or aesthetic reasons is breast aesthetic surgery. Breast aesthetic surgeries performed by expert physicians allow breasts to be brought to the desired shape and form. There is an ideal breast shape for each adult. The most ideal breast forms for individuals are determined based on their weight, height, body proportions, and age. A two-dimensional and three-dimensional assessment is made to determine the ideal form, followed by reaching the most ideal shape.

Breast Aesthetic Surgeries
Breast aesthetic surgeries encompass all operations performed to achieve the ideal breast form for women. With the advancement of technology and medicine, breast aesthetic surgeries, performed in various ways, have become essential in the field of surgery. Among aesthetic procedures, breast aesthetic surgeries, which are among the most commonly performed surgeries, have a high success rate. These surgeries aim to correct breast asymmetry, increase or decrease breast volume, and improve the external appearance of the breast. These applications are performed to help individuals achieve the aesthetic appearance they envision and feel better psychologically.

Breast aesthetic surgeries are planned differently for each patient according to their needs. Shaping and adding volume to the breast involve various details for each patient. For successful outcomes tailored to each patient's physiology, the plastic surgeon performing the surgery plays an effective role.

You can arrange a preliminary consultation with Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgeon Dr. Necmettin Tütüncü for breast aesthetic surgeries. Through a preliminary examination, you can find the most accurate and correct answers to all the details you are curious about regarding breast aesthetics.

Breast aesthetic surgeries are performed in various types depending on each patient's needs. The most commonly performed breast aesthetic surgeries are as follows:

Breast Augmentation Surgeries
There has been a rapid increase in the number of women who value their aesthetic appearance in recent years. Having aesthetically pleasing breasts is one of the most important steps to achieve a physical aesthetic appearance. Many women complain about the small size of their breast shape. Some women have breasts that are smaller than they should be from birth. Some women have small breasts due to factors such as breastfeeding and frequent weight fluctuations. Sagging may also occur along with small size. Small and sagging breasts are significant aesthetic problems for women. While not posing any health problems, having small, sagging breasts affects women's psychology. In such cases, breast augmentation surgeries are performed.

Breast augmentation surgeries aim to add the desired volume to breasts that have decreased in size due to various reasons. The most commonly used method in these surgeries is breast implants. The most ideal breast implants are determined based on factors such as the woman's breast structure, chest cage shape, weight, and body proportions, and these implants are placed inside the breast tissue through surgery. Thus, small and sagging breasts are enlarged and also gain a fuller and aesthetic appearance.

Breast Reduction Surgeries
Breast reduction surgeries are preferred for some women due to aesthetic concerns. However, breast reduction surgeries are mostly performed to address some significant health issues. Rapid weight gain, developmental disorders, certain medications, and various tumors can cause an increase in breast size. Women with breasts larger than they should be experience posture problems and neck and back pain. To prevent these health problems and achieve a physically ideal appearance, the excess breast tissue is reduced. Excess fatty tissue in the breast is removed through surgery to create lighter, healthier, and more aesthetic breasts.

Breast Lift Surgeries
Breasts are structures in the human body that can easily deform. As age progresses and the body loses its elastic structure, sagging occurs in the breasts. Some hormonal factors, sudden and rapid weight fluctuations, pregnancy, and breastfeeding cause the ligaments that hold the breast tissue in place to loosen over time, resulting in breast sagging.

As a result of breast sagging, there is a mismatch between the breast tissue and the skin envelope surrounding it, resulting in saggy breasts with an empty appearance. While this condition does not pose a health problem, it is seen as a significant aesthetic problem for women. Breast lift surgeries provide a definitive solution to this issue.

Breast lift surgeries can be performed alone or in combination with breast augmentation and breast reduction surgeries. Some women may be satisfied with their breast shape, and only sagging is a concern for them. In such cases, only breast lift surgeries are performed without changing the breast shape. The breast tissue, which is sagging, is reshaped by removing excess skin caused by sagging, bringing the nipple to its proper place.

Gynecomastia Surgeries
Breast aesthetics are not only surgeries performed for women. Due to imbalances in estrogen and testosterone hormones, abnormal growth of breast tissue is observed in some men. In such cases, gynecomastia surgeries are performed to reduce excessively large breasts.

Fluctuations in the level of the testosterone hormone in men cause imbalances in testosterone and estrogen levels. These imbalances lead to a decrease in the amount of testosterone, which increases estrogen levels, causing rapid breast growth in men. Various factors can contribute to this hormonal imbalance in the male body. While some men experience this condition from birth, it mostly occurs due to medication use, drug and alcohol use, the indiscriminate use of some herbal products for muscle building, and complications arising from various health conditions. Regardless of the cause, gynecomastia surgeries are the only and most effective method for patients with gynecomastia to seek help.

All these breast aesthetic surgeries are performed according to the individual's request and the decision of the expert physician. Dr. Necmettin Tütüncü, who has made a name for himself in breast aesthetics with successful operations performed to date, can provide detailed information about the operation you need through a preliminary consultation.

Who Chooses Breast Aesthetic Surgeries
Breast aesthetic surgeries are operations performed to achieve the ideal breast shape. Mostly chosen due to aesthetic concerns, these operations are preceded by a preliminary examination, and based on this examination, the physician decides whether or not the patient can undergo breast aesthetic surgery. Detailed tests are also requested for each patient during

 the preliminary examination stage. Breast aesthetic surgeries are performed for all patients who are suitable for general anesthesia and for whom no significant health problems are found.

When it comes to who breast aesthetic surgeries are performed for, the patient profile includes:

Patients with asymmetry between two breasts, one breast less developed than the other,
Patients with breast tissue that has not developed sufficiently, resulting in small breasts,
Patients with breast tissue that has developed excessively, resulting in large breasts,
Patients who have experienced losses in breast tissue due to breast cancer
Breast aesthetic surgeries can be performed. Also,

Each patient must be over 18 years old,
There should be no illness that could interfere with the surgery
are the conditions sought.

After Breast Aesthetic Surgery Care
Breast aesthetic surgeries are among the most commonly performed aesthetic surgeries. With the advancement of technology, they can now be performed in a very short time and without exhausting the patients. Both the operation phase and the post-operative period pass quite easily in breast aesthetic surgeries.

After the operation is completed, the breast is bandaged, and a special bra is applied. Swelling and bruising may occur in the early stages due to the surgical trauma. These swellings and bruises disappear spontaneously within 10 days. Patients usually need to stay in the hospital for one day after breast aesthetic surgeries. The decision to stay in the hospital for more than one day can be made by the physician due to unexpected complications that may occur.

Dissolvable stitches are used in breast aesthetic surgeries. Therefore, there is no need to remove stitches after surgery. Dissolvable stitches will dissolve over time and do not require stitch removal procedures.

Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgeon Dr. Necmettin Tütüncü and Breast Aesthetic Surgeries
Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgeon Dr. Necmettin Tütüncü is one of the most successful surgeons in breast aesthetics. He has achieved a high success rate in the operations he has performed to date. Through a preliminary examination, you can obtain detailed information about the most suitable breast aesthetic surgery method for you.


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