Mesotherapy - Somon DNA Vaccine
What is Mesotherapy Application?
Initially used for migraine treatment and later for varicose veins and general pain conditions, mesotherapy application has become increasingly popular in the treatment of acute and chronic pain, as well as in skin rejuvenation treatments. Being a non-surgical treatment, it is widely preferred in many fields, especially in skin rejuvenation, both globally and in our country. Mesotherapy, which aims to eliminate and improve complaints arising from the skin structure, age factor, and genetic factors, involves injecting the middle layer of the skin with vitamins, amino acids, enzymes, and minerals using needles, sometimes individually and sometimes mixed together. The substances to be injected are selected according to the needs and purposes of the individual to whom the application will be applied. Directly delivering these substances to the subcutaneous tissue helps stimulate structures like collagen and elastin, increase blood circulation in the applied area, and contribute to skin renewal.
What is Mesotherapy with Salmon DNA?
Salmon DNA vaccine, which is one of the most commonly used ingredients in mesotherapy applications, can be combined with many applications. Mesotherapy-applied salmon DNA consists of a combination of pure hyaluronic acid, vitamins, minerals, and protein structures obtained from salmon fish. This application offers an innovative and creative approach in skin rejuvenation and revitalization. Due to the high water retention properties of salmon DNA molecules, it helps prevent wrinkles and skin dryness caused by age and genetic factors. Thanks to these molecules, it ensures that the skin becomes more moisturized and radiant, increases collagen production, and strengthens the skin's elasticity.
How is Mesotherapy with Salmon DNA Applied?
Before the application, the skin is cleansed, and an anesthetic cream is applied. Then, the area to be treated is numbed. Afterwards, the special content of mesotherapy with salmon DNA is injected into the subcutaneous tissue using microinjection, which involves very thin needles. Each session lasts approximately 20-30 minutes. Applying mesotherapy with salmon DNA at 15-day intervals for 4 sessions provides the rich support that the subcutaneous tissue needs. The number of sessions should be determined according to the individual's needs. Since there is no scarring after the application, the person can continue their daily life as usual. However, individuals with sensitive skin may experience mild redness and swelling, which is temporary and disappears within a few days.
Additionally, this treatment has a wide range of use as it has not caused any allergic reactions so far.
Benefits of Mesotherapy with Salmon DNA Application?
- Contributes to cell renewal.
- Provides improvement in sagging and wrinkles.
- Increases collagen production and repairs skin elasticity loss.
- Provides intensive moisturizing.
- Tightens the skin.
- Gives the skin a brighter and more vibrant appearance.
The application of mesotherapy with salmon DNA, which allows visible improvement from the first session, is among the applications and contents with high user satisfaction. Mesotherapy with salmon DNA application, which has become quite popular compared to many other recent applications, is frequently preferred as a highly reliable and effective treatment application as a result of numerous clinical trials conducted and proven benefits.