Lip Lift


Lip lift surgery is a surgical procedure aimed at shortening the distance between the nose and the upper lip and making the lips appear fuller for individuals who have thin lips or an inward lip structure due to genetic and age-related reasons and are dissatisfied with the length between the nose and lips. This distance between the nose and lips may vary depending on individuals' facial features and facial size, with the ideal measurement being between 11-15 mm. In addition to shortening the distance, the procedure lifts the lips to give them a fuller appearance by removing excess tissue. Lip Lift, also known as Lip Lift surgery, is a permanent procedure often chosen by many individuals who are dissatisfied with the current structure of their lips and undergo periodic filler applications. There is no need for repetition. Moreover, if there are wrinkles in the upper lip skin, this operation can also reduce wrinkles in the skin. Compared to other lip augmentation and lifting procedures, Lip Lift surgery offers more advantages. While it is often thought of as a procedure preferred by women, it can also be performed on male patients. It is also performed for individuals who aim to show their teeth more while speaking or smiling.

How is Lip Lift Surgery Performed?
The operation involves making an incision under the nose, and the planned excess tissue is removed through the incision. The lips are shaped, and after removing the excess tissue, aesthetic stitches are applied. It is crucial to fold the incision carefully because placing the stitches under the skin at the end of the operation is vital for maintaining the shape of the lip. The skin edges are meticulously aligned to minimize the visibility of the incision. Since the stitches are made under the nose, there is no scarring.

Lip Lift surgery typically takes about 40-50 minutes and is usually performed under local anesthesia, although it can also be done under general anesthesia upon preference.

Recovery After Lip Lift Surgery
The stitches are removed on the 7th day after the operation. The recovery process after the operation generally takes 6-12 weeks. If the operation is performed under local anesthesia, hospitalization is not necessary. After the operation, swelling and edema may occur in the face and lip area. This condition is considered quite normal and is a natural reaction of the body to the operation and stitches. During this period, numbness in the lips, decreased mobility, and tension during smiling may also be observed, but these symptoms typically disappear over time, similar to swelling and edema. Additionally, for about 2 weeks, it may be necessary to speak and smile more cautiously and with fewer facial expressions to protect the operation area. After the operation, the individual can continue their normal life from where they left off. Severe pain is not expected, but if it occurs, pain relievers prescribed by the doctor can help make the process more comfortable.

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