Hollywood Cheek Aesthetics(Bichetomy)


With the increasing preference among Hollywood stars, this method, which has become widespread worldwide, is now referred to as Hollywood cheek surgery (buccal fat removal) or, in other words, 'cheek thinning surgery'. Although this operation is more commonly preferred by women today, it can also be performed on male patients. It is a surgical procedure carried out to remove excess fat tissues in the cheek area, aiming to achieve more proportional and aesthetic facial contours and cheekbones.

A method frequently sought after by individuals desiring a V-shaped face, Hollywood cheek surgery (buccal fat removal) is generally preferred by those with a U or square face shape. Excess fat tissues in the cheek area are often associated with rapid weight gain or loss. Accumulation of excess fat tissues in the cheeks is not only observed in overweight individuals but also commonly seen in thin individuals. The accumulation of excess fat tissues gradually obscures the person's facial contours, resulting in the cheeks having a chubby appearance. This condition, which can evoke a feeling of being overweight, can significantly undermine a person's self-confidence.

How is Hollywood Cheek Surgery (Buccal Fat Removal) Performed?
The operation is performed by making a small incision inside the mouth, approximately 1 cm in length. The excess fat tissues are reached through the incision and removed to complete the operation. At the end of the operation, the incisions are closed with small stitches. The unwanted fullness that bothers the patient is eliminated, resulting in more prominent cheekbones and a sharper jawline. The most important aspect of Hollywood cheek surgery is to remove the right amount of fat according to the person's facial features and shape. This operation, performed under local anesthesia, can also be carried out under general anesthesia upon preference. The procedure typically lasts for about 40-50 minutes, and the patient is discharged on the same day. Since the operation is performed inside the mouth, there is no scarring after the operation.

Recovery After Hollywood Cheek Surgery (Buccal Fat Removal)
For the first 3 days after the operation, it is important to pay attention to oral and dental care to prevent infection of the stitches inside the mouth. The stitches inside the mouth dissolve on their own after a while. Liquids should be consumed for the initial 3 days after the operation. Although the operated cheek area generally heals within 1 week, swelling and edema may be observed on the face and cheeks for 2-3 weeks. This is normal. Cold compress applications as recommended by the doctor help reduce swelling and edema, while also speeding up the healing process.

Who Can Have Hollywood Cheek Surgery (Buccal Fat Removal)?
This operation can be performed on individuals who have normal weight but have fullness in their cheeks that does not fit their body contours. There is no age limit for this operation, and it can be performed on both men and women. However, the minimum age considered suitable for this operation is generally preferred to be 25 years old. Since cheek development and facial contours can change until the age of 25, this operation is preferably performed on individuals whose cheek and facial contours have completed development. This operation is not recommended for individuals who are overweight or obese, those who do not have any fullness in their cheeks, have thin cheeks, or are over 50 years old.

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