Breast Reduction


The breast tissue of women is highly sensitive to hormone levels in the blood. Similarly, body weight and dietary habits can significantly affect the structure and size of breast tissue. Due to reasons such as hormonal changes, genetic factors, pregnancy, breastfeeding, excessive weight gain, etc., breast tissue can reach large sizes. Large breasts can significantly affect a person's quality of life both aesthetically and due to various health problems. Undesirable conditions such as neck, back, and shoulder pain caused by excessively large breasts, poor posture, difficulty breathing, shoulder grooves due to bra straps, compression of arm and hand nerves leading to weakness and numbness, skin irritation under the breasts, and limitations in physical activities may occur. Breast reduction surgery is a treatment method applied to solve these unwanted conditions. Additionally, breast reduction surgery can also be performed for individuals who are dissatisfied with the appearance of their breasts. For the breast to have a beautiful and aesthetic appearance on the body, it should have an appropriate volume and shape that suits the body it belongs to. The goal of breast reduction surgery is to create a proportional and symmetrical breast appearance.

How Breast Reduction Surgery Is Performed: Before breast reduction surgery, the patient is thoroughly evaluated by the physician. Any additional health problems of the patient are examined. Routine blood tests may also be requested before surgery. Mammography and ultrasonography examinations may be used to examine the breast tissue. The surgery is usually performed by making a straight incision from the nipple or a reverse T-shaped incision. Using various equipment through the incision site, excess fatty tissues inside the breast are removed. After this process, the surgeon reshapes and corrects the breast, and then the incisions are closed with aesthetic stitches. The surgery can be performed under general anesthesia and may take approximately 2-4 hours. The duration of the operation may vary depending on the intervention to be performed on the breast and the structure of the breast.

Recovery Process After Breast Reduction Surgery: During the postoperative period, the breast area is monitored by tightly wrapping it with bandages. Short-term drains may need to be attached to both breast tissues due to the possibility of intense fluid accumulation in the operated area. Sensitivity and pain may be felt in the breast area after the procedure. Bruising, redness, and swelling may also occur. After the tissues heal, problems such as pain, swelling, and sensitivity disappear. Although these effects of the operation heal within approximately 1 week, it may take several months for the breast tissue to recover. Therefore, patients are advised to avoid heavy physical activities for 3 months after the operation. It is crucial to use antibiotics and painkillers prescribed by the physician in the specified duration and dosage after the operation. Wearing a sports bra that does not compress the breasts and prevents them from bouncing is also essential for reducing pain and shaping the breasts. There may be a slight scar after the operation. Smoking and alcohol consumption should be stopped for at least 1 month if present, as they can affect cell renewal, which is crucial for the rapid healing of breast tissue and the sutured area. Smoking and alcohol consumption are not recommended during the healing process.

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