Thigh Lift


The thigh area, which completes the aesthetic integrity of the hips, is the most important part of the legs. Aesthetic problems in these areas affect the entire leg, causing patients to feel uncomfortable, making them hide their legs, unable to choose desired clothes, and even leading to friction while walking, causing various skin diseases such as dermatitis. Sagging, size, and shape deformities may occur in the thigh area as a result of factors such as age, excessive weight loss or gain, and genetic factors, leading to decreased skin elasticity and increased or decreased subcutaneous fat tissue. These deformities, which cause individuals to appear older and less healthy than they actually are, are corrected with thigh lift surgery. Thigh lift surgery is an aesthetic and functional intervention that involves removing excess skin and fat tissue from the upper and inner parts of the thighs and tightening the thighs. With this surgical procedure, a tight appearance is achieved on the inner part of the leg, and discomfort caused by friction in this area is corrected. Ideal candidates for thigh lift surgery are individuals with relatively good body proportions but have loose skin and excess fat tissue on the inner thighs that they cannot correct with exercise and diet.

How Is Thigh Lift Surgery Performed?
Thigh lift surgery involves the removal of excess skin and fat tissue that has sagged in the upper and inner regions of the thighs. Excess skin and subcutaneous fat tissue are removed through an incision extending from the groin area to the inner part of the thigh. The lower skin is stretched upward and sutured to the groin area. Since the incision line is hidden in the fold between the groin and thigh and becomes less noticeable over time, the procedure is concealed. Especially in patients with excessive weight loss, making only horizontal incisions and stretching the thighs may not yield satisfactory results. Longitudinal stretching of the inner thigh skin is also necessary. Therefore, in selected cases, thigh lift surgery should be performed with a 'T' shaped incision. Thigh lift surgery is performed under general anesthesia in a hospital setting. The operation takes about 2 hours.

Thigh lift surgery can often be combined with 'laser liposuction'. Especially, reducing fat accumulations in other parts of the thighs can result in a smoother leg appearance. If there is moderate fat accumulation and slight loosening in the inner thigh, then laser liposuction alone may be sufficient.

Recovery Process After Thigh Lift Surgery
After thigh lift surgery, there may be mild pain that can be controlled with medication. The patient is discharged and sent home 12 to 24 hours after the operation. Normal social life can be resumed after three days, and work can be resumed after two weeks. Resting is very important during the postoperative period because the stitches are in the groin area and can easily deform and cause wounds to open. Regular use of prescribed medications, wound care, and dressing may be necessary.

Who Are Ideal Candidates for Thigh Lift Surgery?
Thigh lift surgery is usually performed for sagging that occurs due to advanced age and extreme weight loss. Although the lower age limit for surgery is seen as 18 years, the upper age limit depends on whether the individual has any health problems that may prevent surgery.

Is There Movement Restriction After Thigh Lift Surgery?
After thigh lift surgery, there is no problem with walking and moving the legs. However, for the first two weeks, it is advisable to avoid standing for long periods, opening the legs excessively, and avoiding exercise and sports to reduce the tension felt in the inner thighs. This process gradually decreases over time and varies from person to person, but within 2 weeks, the individual can fully return to normal life.

Are the Results of Thigh Lift Surgery Permanent? Is Sagging Likely to Recur?
Although the outcome of thigh lift surgery depends on the technique used and the amount of stretching performed, the individual's skin elasticity is also crucial. During the surgery, the thigh is stretched as best as possible; however, factors such as excessive weight loss or gain, age, and gravity can cause sagging in the thigh area again in the long term.

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