Genital Aesthetics


Genital cosmetic surgery encompasses a range of surgical procedures aimed at correcting deformities in the vulva and vaginal area in women. These procedures are performed to address congenital or acquired issues, both aesthetically and functionally. Deformities in the genital area not only lead to an undesirable appearance but can also cause problems such as insecurity, sexual dissatisfaction, or embarrassment for women. Thanks to advancements in medical science, effective results can be achieved through both surgical and non-surgical interventions in genital cosmetic surgery. The goal is to help individuals feel more confident socially and improve compatibility in their sexual lives. Genital cosmetic procedures have become one of the fastest-growing subspecialties in the field of cosmetic surgery in recent years.

Genital Cosmetic Surgery Procedures

1. Labiaplasty (Labial Aesthetic Surgery - interventions on the labia majora and minora):
The labia, consisting of the thicker and fuller labia majora and the thinner labia minora, make up the external genital structure. Over time, elongation or sagging may occur due to personal characteristics or age-related factors. This can lead to visual distortion, discomfort when wearing swimwear or bikinis, or difficulties during sexual intercourse. Through a simple operation, elongated or sagging labia can be shortened and reshaped. Empty or lax labia can be augmented to achieve a fuller appearance. After labiaplasty, patients can comfortably return to their daily lives, although refraining from sexual intercourse for 4-5 weeks during the healing period may be necessary.

2. Vaginoplasty (Vaginal Aesthetic Surgery – vaginal tightening procedures):
Commonly known as vaginal rejuvenation, vaginoplasty can be performed surgically or with lasers. Structural changes or vaginal widening may occur over time or as a result of vaginal childbirth. These deformities can lead to decreased pleasure during sexual intercourse for both women and men. Surgical intervention involves the removal of excess tissue and tightening of the surrounding tissues to rejuvenate the area. Recently, vaginal tightening procedures have also been performed using laser technology in an office setting without the need for anesthesia.

3. Repair of Postpartum Lacerations:
During vaginal childbirth, episiotomy procedures may be performed to facilitate the baby's delivery. Poor repair of these incisions or spontaneous tearing of the vagina can result in unsightly scars in the genital area. Scar tissue can be easily removed under local anesthesia, and tissues can be reapproximated in a smooth line. Concurrent correction of internal tissue laxity or sagging can also be performed. Patients can return to their daily lives immediately after vaginal rejuvenation, but sexual intercourse should be avoided for about 6 weeks during the healing period.

4. Hymenoplasty:
Hymen repair, often requested for social or familial reasons, is also considered a part of genital cosmetic interventions.

5. Mons Pubis Augmentation:
Consisting of minor interventions that allow patients to resume their daily lives quickly.

Recovery After Genital Cosmetic Surgery

After genital cosmetic procedures, patients are typically discharged on the same day. Attention should be paid to regional hygiene, and loose clothing should be worn for a certain period. Antibiotics may be prescribed to prevent any infection. Sexual intercourse should be avoided for approximately 1 month, and heavy physical activities should be abstained from for 3-4 weeks.

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