Arm Lift


Arm lift surgery, also known as brachioplasty, aims to eliminate sagging, tighten the skin, and achieve a firm appearance in the arms resulting from factors such as genetics, aging, rapid weight loss or gain, etc. The sagging and looseness in the arms create a significantly undesirable aesthetic. Individuals often feel uncomfortable and experience a lack of confidence due to this condition. These deformities, which cause individuals to appear older and less healthy than they actually are, can be corrected through arm lift surgery. With arm lift surgery, individuals can achieve firmer and younger-looking arms.

How Is Arm Lift Surgery Performed?
Arm lift surgery is performed under general anesthesia and sometimes under local anesthesia. It can take an average of 1-3 hours. Incisions are made starting from the inner part of the arms and extending to the armpits to remove excess and sagging skin and subcutaneous fat tissue. The incisions are usually located in areas least visible when viewed from the outside, near the armpits and on the inner part of the arms. In cases of severe sagging and fatty deposits, the patient may need to stay in the hospital for one day. In cases where the skin quality is good and there is no sagging, meaning only excess fat accumulation is present, liposuction may be sufficient. However, if there is excess fat tissue along with skin sagging, it may be necessary to perform a lifting operation.

Recovery Process After Arm Lift Surgery
A compression garment should be worn for 10 days after the operation. This helps reduce swelling and speeds up the healing process. As with any surgery, scarring may occur after arm lift surgery. In other words, it is not possible to perform a lifting operation without scarring. However, this scar is not easily noticeable. It is located on the inner side of the arms and is not visible from the front or back. Over time, it fades, becoming less noticeable after 6 months. Individuals can return to their normal lives and daily activities within four to five days after arm lift surgery. Stitches are removed 8 or 10 days after the operation. Showers can be taken 3-4 days after the operation.

Will Sagging Recur After Arm Lift Surgery?
One of the most common concerns of individuals who have undergone arm lift surgery is whether sagging will recur in the arms after arm lift surgery. The possibility of re-thickening, fattening, excess skin, and sagging in the arms after arm lift surgery is quite low. During arm lift surgery, excess fat tissue and excess skin in the armpit area are removed, resulting in a decrease in the number of fat cells in this area. Therefore, re-thickening, fattening, or sagging is rarely observed.

Are the Results of Arm Lift Surgery Permanent?
With arm lift surgery, you can have permanently firm arms and a more proportionate body. However, to maintain this result, it is important to avoid excessive weight gain, engage in regular exercise, and undergo skincare.

Will There Be Movement Restriction After Arm Lift Surgery?
After arm lift surgery, individuals may have some difficulty lifting their arms during the first week. This process gradually decreases over time, and individuals can begin moving their arms comfortably between 1-3 weeks, although this may vary from person to person.

Is There an Age Limit for Arm Lift Surgery?
Arm lift surgery is generally performed for sagging that occurs due to advanced age and extreme weight loss. Although the lower age limit for surgery is seen as 18 years, the upper age limit depends on whether the individual has any health problems that may prevent surgery.

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