Nose Aesthetics Rhinoplasty
Rhinoplasty, also known as Rhinoplasty, is an aesthetic operation performed to remove deformities in the nose and to give the nose an aesthetic appearance. Rhinoplasty is applied in the presence of congenital or acquired deformities in the patient's nose, as a result of these and similar reasons such as the person being uncomfortable with the nose, the nose being larger than normal.
Rhinoplasty surgery can be performed under general anesthesia. The operation time takes approximately 2-3 hours depending on the content of the intervention and the technique to be used. In this procedure called rhinoplasty, if the patient has problems such as bone and cartilage curvatures that prevent the patient from breathing (Septum Deviation surgery) or inability to breathe, these problems can be corrected during the same surgery.
Rhinoplasty operations can be performed with open or closed methods. Which operation technique will be applied to which patient is determined according to the needs of the patient.
Open Rhinoplasty
If the curvature of the nose, asymmetry in the nose, breathing problems and nasal tip deformities are at the forefront of people who want to have rhinoplasty, it is a better choice to approach with open Rhinoplasty. In open Rhinoplasty surgery, a horizontal incision is made in the middle of the area between the two nostrils and after the nasal skin is lifted in this way, all the cartilage structures that make up the tip of the nose are revealed and the surgery is performed under direct vision.
The most important advantage of open rhinoplasty is that the skin of the nose is lifted and the bones and cartilages that make up the nose and the respiratory tract can be clearly seen with the naked eye. Open rhinoplasty is definitely not a procedure that leaves a scar afterwards. Since the incision is not through the nose, the scar is visible at the beginning, but then gradually disappears. Relatively, the recovery period is a little longer.
Closed Rhinoplasty
Closed Rhinoplasty technique is more preferred in patients who do not have severe deformity in the nose, who have not had aesthetic nose surgery before, who do not have significant curvature in the curtain (septum) between the two nasal passages, and whose main complaint is bone and cartilage protrusion on the back of the nose. Closed Rhinoplasty is a surgery performed by making an incision on the inside of the nostrils. Since the surgeon's field of vision is narrower, it is generally used more frequently in uncomplicated nose surgeries. The closed technique allows the surgery to be performed in a shorter time in appropriately selected patients and recovery takes less time due to less edema in the nose. After the surgery, aesthetic stitches are placed in the nose and the stitch mark is not visible. The stitches dissolve spontaneously over time.
Recovery Process After Rhinoplasty
After rhinoplasty surgery, the patient may need to stay overnight in the hospital for observation depending on the preference of the physician and the patients. The patient is discharged the next day. There is almost no pain during the surgery and postoperative recovery process. However, the degree of edema and bruising under the eyes and around the nose may vary from person to person. Since this bruising is temporary, it should not scare the patient. Since edema is observed after nose surgery, ice compresses are applied to the face. The bruises and edema around the nose disappear completely within a few days.
At the end of the surgery, silicone tampons (internal splint) with self air channels are placed in the nose. Tampons are very important materials in terms of reducing intranasal bleeding and providing support to cartilage and bone structures.
The first problem in patients after the surgery is the inability to breathe through the nose due to the tampons in the nose and therefore the development of dry throat due to the necessity to breathe through the mouth. These tampons remain in the nose for 1 to 7 days after surgery and are then removed.
The plastic plaster applied on the outside of the nose is usually removed in 5 to 7 days after surgery, the bandage placed on it is renewed and applied for up to 10 days and removed on days 10 to 14.
-Physical activity should be avoided as much as possible for 5 days after surgery and rest with the head elevated.
-Excessive facial expressions and laughter should be avoided for one week.
-It may be necessary to check 1-2 times in the first week for crusting and blockages in the nose.
-The nose should not be touched hard for 3 weeks, and activities that may cause nasal impact should be avoided for the first 6 weeks.